Sunday, May 16, 2010

Resurrection Cheeleaders (choir woman) leads a cheer after receiving The Good News" ("Gimme a J!")
Company sings the finale "Go Out Into The World Now!"

Jesus is crucified as choir soloists in background sing "Woman, Behold Thy Son" while Mary and John mourn.
The disciples' reaction to Jesus' resurrection...

Pilate is interviewed by WJR-TV reporter, Rebecca Bas Gamal after the trial of Jesus.

Tools That Teach (in action)

The Temple Market Place Vendors perform the Market Place Rap..."Buy yourself a lamb or buy yourself a dove. Make a sacrifice to the Lord a-bove...."

"A Kid's Passion," turns Christ's Passion into a living, breathing presentation, complete with music and costumes. Available on 3 levels, it works in any church or church-school setting.